In case you happen to be a resident of Singapore, you will definitely want to own an abode which you will be able to control effectively. You will be able to take your own decisions when it comes to the maintenance of the house, and in case you would like to enhance the attractiveness of your residence you will be in a position to perform basic renovation as well. Apart from this, you should likewise concentrate on installing accessories which go hand-in-hand with elegance.
As a matter of fact, a curtain happens to be a type of drapery that should never be missing from any house whatsoever. It is important to clean the curtain from time to time, and you might fancy doing it on your own as well. However, it might be the fact that your curtain has been made from some delicate material, and in that case, it will be a sensible idea to take the help of a professional cleaning company to get the job done on your behalf. These experts will be able to clean your curtain irrespective of the type of material that has been used to manufacture it.
In case you are a resident of Singapore or any area adjacent to it, you will have the privilege of gaining access to lots of experienced and competent cleaning firms which have satisfied lots of clients over the years at comparatively reasonable rates. However, you need to be careful since there are many companies out there that might claim to be experienced and efficient in spite of not being so in real life. You might have to face another problem which is actually figuring out the appropriate time for cleaning all these curtains.
Best time for curtain cleaning:
1. After 3 months
As a matter of fact, the best time to get your curtains cleaned in Singapore will be after 3 months of starting to use them in your residence. It is not essential to spot any dirt or grime in the curtain before you decide to take it for cleaning. First of all, a curtain will be able to stay for at least 1 to 2 years without exhibiting any sign of accumulating dirt and grime whatsoever. However, it does not imply that the stuff is 100% clean or that it can repel dirt effectively. It simply implies that your eyes are not able to detect the dirt and you need to get the drapes cleaned anyway.
2. In case a family member is hypersensitive
It might be the fact that one of your family members happens to be hypersensitive or he or she is susceptible to allergies because of dust and contamination. In that case, you ought to clean the curtains even before a gap of 3 months. In fact, you should make it a point to wash the drapes at an interval of 1 month if any of the household members is suffering from allergic symptoms. A curtain actually functions just like a dust breaker given that it typically hangs on the window openings in a residence. It will be capable of capturing every bit of dust which tries to get in and out of the house every now and then. In this way, curtain cleaning on a regular basis will be one of the most effective ways to make a house comfortable for all those who are staying within it.
3. The type of curtain
The curtain’s type will likewise play an important role in figuring out the time for cleaning it. The good thing is that in case you buy the drape from a reputed vendor, you will usually be provided with an instruction manual for maintaining your curtain in the best possible way. Try to stick to those instructions, and you will not have any issue in determining the ideal time for performing curtain cleaning in the future.
The residents of Singapore are quite lucky because of the fact that most of the professional cleaning companies are able to comprehend their needs. These experts are going to use top-notch equipment to get the job done effectively within a short span of time. You need not be worried about doing the curtain cleaning chore all by yourself and these professionals will allow you to devote your valuable time for doing other essential tasks both within and outside your residence.